Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Birthday Girl

May 20th is Leena's B-Day and it makes me reflect on my little girl. I can't believe she will be 5 and starting school in the fall. It is hard to feel that I have gotten the most out of each stage of her short growth. I don't know that anyone can. She is the sunshine in our day (although storm clouds occasionally arise). She is so full of life and a ball of fun. She loves to learn and is very competitive. Anything her big brother does, she knows she can do too. She isn't afraid of anything, except for the moment, shirts that come dangerously close to the bottom of her shorts. She is a great big sister and a lovable little sister. She keeps me company and I love her many fantastic stories. Her latest funny is when we came back from Central Europe Bradyn was so interested in our stories, he said he wanted to go to Poland for his mission. Leena soon piped up and said she wanted to go to Disneyland for her mission. She's never even been there yet, but she knows there are castles and princesses and that's all she needs. I am so glad she is my girl and I have the privilege to be her mom. I love you Leen. Happy Birthday!


Vanessa said...

Happy Birthday!

I have the image of Dillon and Leena just a few weeks old, hanging on our couch w/g-ma Jean.

Too bad they are related, or they could get married!

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday! Even though I'm late!! :o)

I remember that picture. It was in her birth announcement!